Rapper JuxJu is the star of this week's article for his vivacious sound, witty lyricism, and interesting sound overall. He was born in California, however has made a name for himself since moving, by way of Orlando, FL, performing for some of Florida's very own commonplace names like Danny Towers and Retch.
He found his beginnings with rap group, Florida Fooliez, a collective of friends that found their beginnings skating around rural Florida and tossing hooks on beats. "Anyone can be a Foolie", JuxJu tells, apparently by just sticking true to yourself; that's exactly what JuxJu has done.

He saw a lot of gravitation towards his single "Hot Box Highway" back in 2020, but his new music has only showcased his progression. I like to draw similarities to artists like XXXTentacion (Rip), Famous Dex, or even a Soulja Boy. Fun songs like "BOOF" & harder hitting songs like "XTRA SH!T" are liable to turn up the party and JuxJu is a rockstar, make no mistake about it.
He recently released an EP by the name of D!E AL!VE, a very energetic and self proclaimed loud project at that. This project aligns more with the grimmer stuff I discussed as he tells, "This tape is literally a collective of my wildness and another insight to who I am and how I as person...I just love having fun and being myself!" At Aurision, we were feeling songs "ThrwDemBowz!" produced by majorminor and "Wat !t Bout" is definitely the hit of the tape, produced by jisaiah. The latter also has a video, shot by video creator John Nightt who has done a lot of work for Florida's own Smokepurpp. Definitely go check that out on YouTube.
The flurry of sounds and hard knocking beats have helped JuxJu cement his sound and he hopes to continue to put rappers like himself coming out of Florida, along with his collective, on the map.
Stream D!E ALIVE below!
Follow him:
Ig: @gapmoufjuxju
Twitter: @gapmoufjuxju