Max Volante is an enigmatic producer and songwriter hailing from New Jersey. He has amassed over 300,000 monthly listeners on Spotify on his artistic journey, utilizing unique and unorthodox methods to captivate listeners. He may take inspiration from a wide range of mediums and apply it by way of his own musical theory. Additionally, he is creating what he likes to consider a live interactive art experience that capitulates the audience into his sonic grasp. Coalescing all that he knows of production and really examining the intricacies of his subjects shows why he's going where he's meant to be.
Volante thinks of himself as a "Michelin-starred chef" providing a reinvigorating sense of what people and idols alike Freddie Mercury& John Lennon were able to achieve. From seed to table, Max Volante is a savant.
Some tracks of which stand out: "this moment (333)" is a jazzy, little alternative vibe of which the overlay of the song serves as a focal point with all the city noises and conversations going on--certainly adds to the sense of ballroom immersion. "KILL THEM" is his most critically acclaimed track, in tandem with artist Ethan Ross which ironically is the polar opposite of the former, but nevertheless a great rhapsodized saga.
His latest release, "lust & found <3", is a brilliant ballad of experimental tones and the piano usage towards the end of the song deserves all the adoration. Volante mixed, mastered--the whole nine was done by him on this one and he's reaped the accreditation, landing some buzz around the industry from varying blogs. What has everyone gravitating towards him and what may sound like a broken record: he compiles genres so well, pushes this amazing production forward, and his style is ever-changing, yet he owns it.
Go check out "lust & found <3" down below, right now!!
Follow Max:
IG: @volante.max