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Covering Crimson Melodies with Kidsnot$aint’s “Red Honey”

Donovan Reid

Kidsnot$aints are one of my favorite groups out, by way of Can Boys Have Diaries?, which I still run into the ground. With this latest offering, my prior notion has only expanded as they set the bar again with their poignant storytelling and blending of acoustic instrumentation. The two-song title, Red Honey, upholds their groups maturation of sound and furthered artistic vision.

"Mess" is an affectionate ballad that grapples with ones own own chaos and insecurities, yet amidst the turmoil, they find solace and purpose in their unwavering love for another. It captures the raw emotions of vulnerability and determination. "Mess" almost feels like the buildup to "Favorite Boy" in a cinematic sense. "Favorite Boy" being the more elating of the two with more energy and exuberance of reassurance and conclusion.

The sounds are like something you'd expect from The Fray in all the best ways, with its catchy hooks and polished production...that would be my personification of this track duo; driven by the emotive piano-melodies, mainly found in “Mess”, heartfelt lyrics in both, and dynamic arrangements idolized by “Favorite Boy”. Their music blends alternative rock with elements of pop, showcasing their depth of voices, mixing acoustics along with various implementation.

Wise words from the ensemble: “The project means so much to us because it’s about”

Check out Red Honey down below!

Follow Kidsnot$aints:

IG: @kidsnotsaints

Twitter: @kidsnotsaints


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